Matisse on Maillol ALLEVERYTHING ELSE Jun 17 Written By Leslie Parke Maillol We never discussed sculpture. For we could not understand one another. Maillol worked in masses like the ancients, and I worked in arabesques like the Renaissance sculptors. Maillol didn't like taking risks, and I couldn't resist them. Matisse Matisse MaillolMatissesculpture Leslie Parke
Matisse on Maillol ALLEVERYTHING ELSE Jun 17 Written By Leslie Parke Maillol We never discussed sculpture. For we could not understand one another. Maillol worked in masses like the ancients, and I worked in arabesques like the Renaissance sculptors. Maillol didn't like taking risks, and I couldn't resist them. Matisse Matisse MaillolMatissesculpture Leslie Parke